My mother-in-law’s clever trick: dishwasher tablets for the household


Removing stubborn stains : Dishwasher tablets can work wonders on stubborn stains on clothes or carpets. My mother-in-law simply crushes a tablet and dissolves it in hot water. She then carefully dabs the resulting solution onto the stain and leaves it to work for a few minutes before rinsing with clean water. The stains disappear as if by magic.
Cleaning tiles and grout : When the tiles in the bathroom or kitchen need to be thoroughly cleaned, my mother-in-law also uses dishwasher tablets. She dissolves one or two tablets in hot water and then uses the solution to clean the tiles and grout. After applying it, she lets the solution work for a short time and then rinses with clean water. The result: sparkling clean tiles and sparkling grout.
Removing limescale : Limescale can be stubborn, but my mother-in-law knows how to remove it effectively. She simply puts a dishwasher tablet in the kettle or coffee machine and fills it with water. After a short exposure time, the appliances are rinsed thoroughly and the limescale is gone.
Cleaning garden tools : Dishwasher tablets are even used in the garden. My mother-in-law dissolves a tablet in a bucket of water and then uses the solution to clean garden tools such as shovels, spades or garden shears. The tablets dissolve even stubborn dirt and make the tools look like new.

My mother-in-law’s trick really impressed me and shows how versatile dishwasher tablets can be in the home. Thanks to their effective cleaning power and ease of use, you not only save time and effort, but also money, as you can avoid using expensive special cleaners. I am grateful to my mother-in-law for this ingenious trick and will certainly use it more often in the future.