Citric Acid: 8 Surprising Ways to Use It at Home


6. Clean Carpets
While the most common method involves baking soda, citric acid is also highly effective at cleaning carpets and removing all types of dirt.
Mix 100 grams of citric acid with a liter of water in a spray bottle and apply directly to the carpet. Scrub and rinse thoroughly.

7. Remove Limescale from the Shower
The showerhead tends to accumulate limescale, which reduces its effectiveness. Unscrew it and soak it in a bag filled with a solution of 150 grams of citric acid per liter of water.
Add a tablespoon of baking soda and let it rest for about an hour. Finally, rinse it, reattach the showerhead, and run the water for a few minutes.

8. Clean the Toilet
Thanks to its cleaning and disinfecting properties, citric acid is one of the most effective products for cleaning toilets.
Sprinkle some baking soda over the entire toilet surface and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then, add the same amount of citric acid and scrub well with a brush.
Finally, rinse thoroughly with water and dry the surface.

Citric acid is a versatile and effective product for various household tasks, making it an excellent natural cleaner and helper around the house.