How to make rough towels softer?


As with all linens, towels age and lose their softness and fluffiness over time and washing. Bath sheets, terry towels, bath linens or even hand towels, you name it. Discover a simple and effective trick to bring back the softness of yesteryear to your old, rough towels.

The more time passes, the rougher your towels become. They become rough, dull and no longer have the same feel as when they were purchased. We have the trick for you to give them back their suppleness and softness. Follow the guide !

The towel, that essential accessory in every home
bath towels
Bath towels – Source: spm

The towel is an essential element of household linen and requires special attention. It should not be neglected. When you get out of the shower, the bath, a nice bath or just after washing your hands, all your thoughts turn to it: this towel that will wrap you up and allow you to dry yourself by absorbing the slightest drop of water on your skin. Beyond its absorbent power, the towel can warm our body or even comfort it with its soft side.
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