Engrais maison: Use them on your plants and they can grow longer


Ingredients: Marc de café restant Riz blanc 1,5 liters d’eau Plastic bottles for stockage Comment to prepare the engrais: Add 1 liter of water to a container. Please enjoy three white and white poignées and leave them aside within 2 hours. The eau will adopt a troublesome appearance to ensure that free curls are amidst.
Take a separate bottle and combine a demi-litre of water with the remaining coffee juice. Laissez reposer ce mélange pendant environ 2 heures également.
Once the eau de riz is ready, filter the liquids, en jetant le riz. Combine this starchy water with the coffee mix in the bouteille.
Your engrais maison is maintenant ready for employment. Everything remains stored in the refrigerator, in a veil where it is best chosen.
Application advice: Use the primer directly on the surface of the plant.
Avoid slathering on the blades to prevent sunburn.
Blowing at the first hours in the morning or at the end of the evening is preferable, reducing the risk of sun exposure on the stems of the plants.
The magic of riz eau: Riz eau, rich in starch, is a reservoir of nutrients and vitamins which is used as a sauce for plants. If your plants seem lethargic or fluffy, introduce them to this magical elixir that can offer instant revitalization.

The power of coffee for plants: Coffee beans, often thrown away without a second thought, are a center of essential nutrients, including nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnésium. Ceux-ci non seulement vivifient only more easily facilitates the growth of beneficial microorganisms. These tiny creatures enrich each other in front of the sun, providing fertile ground for the racines to absorb all this goodness.

Incorporating this simple yet useful starter into your gardening routine is destined to produce flowering and refreshing plants. Essay and consider your prosperous garden!