An effective remedy could be to spray vinegar in some strategic points . It acts as a valid natural repellent to stop the presence of these insects, but not only. You can use vinegar in two different ways. The first is to pour a little vinegar into a container and place it outside the entrance door or on several windowsills.
A second remedy, however, could be to wash all the floors of the house, the balconies and the entrance area with a solution based on water and white vinegar . You will notice how the cockroaches will carefully avoid entering your home. As usual, you will have to wash the floors every day with this ingredient.
Let’s discover other natural remedies to get rid of the ” threat ” of cockroaches and roaches in the home . Here are all the details about it.
Other infallible remedies against these insects
Bay leaves will definitely be another ingredient that can keep cockroaches away from the inside of your home. All you have to do is place these leaves outside your front door or on several windowsills . The cockroaches will be completely annoyed by the smell emanating from the bay leaves and will stay well away.
Two other ingredients that will act as a repellent for these insects are, without a doubt, sugar and baking soda. You can dissolve and mix these two ingredients in water and create a paste-like mixture to always place in strategic places outside the home.
Cockroaches will be attracted to sugar, but baking soda will kill them instantly as it is poisonous to them.
We close with another completely natural solution. You can spray a mixture of water and Marseille soap near the door and windows. Its smell will repel cockroaches and you will no longer have these insects in your house.