An Amazing Feature in Your Sink You Didn’t Even Know You Had: No More Clogged Drains!


Prepare the Mixture:
In a 200 ml glass, combine 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 20 grams of citric acid, 1 tablespoon of detergent, and 1 tablespoon of toothpaste.
Add Hot Water:
Pour hot water over the mixture and let it stand for about 5 minutes until all ingredients are dissolved.
Pour the Solution into the Drain:
First, pour some boiling water down the drain to loosen up any buildup. Then, remove the drain strainer.
Add the Mixture:
Pour the prepared solution into the drain and let it sit for 30 minutes.
Check the Drain:
After 30 minutes, turn on the water. The clog should now be gone, and the water should drain freely.
We hope this procedure was useful and that your drain is now clear and odor-free!

Additional Tips from Our Readers
Baking Powder and Vinegar for Clogs:

One of our readers shares this tip:
“In the evening, I pour two packets of baking powder down the drain and leave it overnight. In the morning, I flush it with a strong stream of water. It keeps the drain clear for up to two weeks! I highly recommend this, especially if you live on an upper floor of an apartment building.”

Homemade Unclogger Recipe:

continued on the next page