A Complete Guide on How to Find, Treat, and Get Rid of Ticks in Your Home


Ticks are commonly found on pets and clothing worn outside. If your dog or family members have been running around in the woods or tall grass, or if you live in a place where ticks are a big problem, check them (and yourself!) when they come back in after being outside.

6 Ways to Get Rid of Ticks Naturally

Getting rid of ticks is not the whole point of tick control. Ticks will always be around if you live in an area where they are common. It is important to keep them out of your home and away from your pets and family.

Many old urban legends claim that certain things can free ticks or prevent them from biting. However, not all of these ideas are based on science. Some of them, like setting a tick on fire with a hot match, can actually harm the insect more than it helps.

When getting rid of ticks, use simple, common-sense methods. It’s probably too good to be true if a treatment method seems dangerous or too difficult to understand.
Learn how to inspect ticks

The CDC says ticks need to be attached for 36-48 hours before they can do any harm. When you or your pets come inside after being outside, especially in the spring and summer, be sure to check everyone carefully for ticks. Check these body parts:

Around the ears and in the hair

Between the legs

Back to knee

Under the armpits

Around the waist

Inside the navel

Also, don’t forget to check your gear. Ticks can get into things like coats, bags, and tents, so be sure to check those things, too.


Ticks that are sick with Lyme disease do not spread the disease for the first 24 hours after feeding. Also, taking a shower within two hours of coming home can help reduce your risk of contracting Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases. It can also get rid of ticks that have not yet had a chance to attach. When you shower, you can check your entire body for ticks, so don’t forget to do that after you’ve been outside!

Check your pets for ticks

Ticks often come into your home with pets. Ticks, like the brown dog tick, are happy to live in your home where they can feed on your pets and have lots of babies. These things can cause anemia in your pets.

Ticks are very small and can be difficult to see on your pet at first. In order to feed unseen, they burrow into an animal’s fur and attach themselves. The tick is probably full of blood when you notice it. Don’t wait until you see a tick full of blood! Bring flea and tick medicine for your dogs and make sure they are clean when they come into the house.

Get rid of ticks.

There are several types of sprays and repellents available to get rid of ticks, including over-the-counter products like DEET and homemade products.

The following essential oils have been shown to help keep ticks away:

Lemon oil

Eucalyptus oil

If you want to make your own tick repellent, you should mix one or more oils with water, vinegar, and witch hazel in some way. But do your research first! Essential oils can still be dangerous if not used correctly, so find a method you can trust and follow it carefully.

Wear appropriate clothing

Remember to wear the right clothing if you plan to go out into wooded areas where ticks may be present. You may also want to treat your clothing with something that will repel ticks and other insects before you go out.

Cover your skin, wear closed shoes and high socks, and wear long sleeves and pants made of sturdy fabric. Also, try to avoid walking through areas with dense vegetation as much as possible.




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