Find out why it is essential to always take your receipt at the supermarket


4.Spot pricing errors at a glance

Billing errors are more common than you might think. From misapplied promotions to mis-scanned products to unexpected duplicates, the receipt is a great way to immediately check if everything is in order. A quick glance before you leave the store can save you from  unnecessary extra charges . And remember: once you’re out the door, it’s often too late to complain.

5.Take advantage of loyalty programs and discounts

Some supermarkets offer deferred discounts or loyalty programs that require you to present your receipt. You could accumulate points, benefit from discounts on future purchases, or even participate in competitions. This little piece of paper can thus be transformed into a  source of interesting savings .

Don’t underestimate your receipt anymore

This piece of paper that we tend to throw away without thinking is much more than a simple receipt. It is proof, a guarantee, a management tool and even a passport to savings. The next time you go to the checkout, remember to keep it safe. Who knows? This small gesture could save you a lot of  inconvenience .