A simple tip to leave your toilet as new


Do you feel like you're cleaning your toilet all the time, but the traces of tartar and the persistent unpleasant smells? Don't worry, there are simple, economical and environmentally friendly ways to restore your toilet to their full shine, without resorting to aggressive chemicals. Here are some proven methods of keeping your toilet clean and fresh longer.
Why does tartar accumulate in the toilet?
Tartar is the result of the accumulation of minerals in water, such as calcium and magnesium. These deposits gradually settle on the walls of the bowl, creating unaesthetic spots and promoting the proliferation of bacteria. Ambient humidity and lack of regular maintenance may exacerbate the problem, making cleaning more difficult over time. Fortunately, simple and effective solutions exist to achieve this.

The winning white vinegar and lemon duet
If you are looking for a natural and ecological method, the combination of white vinegar and lemon is ideal. These two ingredients have acid properties which dissolve the limestone while neutralizing the unpleasant odors.

What you need:
125 ml white vinegar
100 ml of lemon juice
How do I do it?
Mix the white vinegar and lemon juice in a container.
Apply the solution to the tartarred areas with a sponge or brush.
Leave to act for 30 minutes, then rub and rinse thoroughly.
Brilliant toilets and a pleasant smell of freshness.

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