Spiders are returning to our homes: how do we stop them?


Magic potions and sprays
Anti-spider If you are the type to prefer soft solutions, arm yourself with a spray. Here are some recipes for natural repellents that will frighten them:

White tinple: Mix water with white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the door frames and dark rooms where the spiders could hide. The strong smell of vinegar will deter them.
Essential oils: Mix some water, a few drops of tea tree oil or peppermint and some dishwashing liquid. Spray access areas such as windows and plinths. The intense aroma disturbs spiders, encouraging them to turn around.
Grandmother's advice for an interior
No spray at hand? Do not panic, there are other solutions:

Lavender: Arrange dried lavender bouquets in your home. Spiders hate its smell.
Cinnamon and tomato leaves: These smells, as pleasant to us as unbearable for spiders, will also do.
Prepare your house for autumn: cleaning is your best friend

To reduce the surprise visits of these eight-legged visitors, keep your house clean and tidy. Vacuum the vacuum regularly, especially in the corners and behind the furniture, to remove the canvases and insects that spiders feed on. Also, don’t forget to seal cracks around windows and doors to make it harder for them to get in.

Using these tips, you will have enough to get through the autumn without (too) fear. And if a spider still shows up, remember that it's probably more terrified than you. Sweet capture and putting it back on the outside will make everyone happy