11 signs that your body is sending you important alerts.

A simple redness itchy? Maybe eczema. But if the rash is accompanied by fever or persists despite proper care, this may be a sign of an infection or allergic reaction. In some cases, rashes may be related to autoimmune diseases. Never underestimate a sudden change in your skin.
Swollen ankles: excess salt or an circulatory problem?
Swelling of the ankles after a long standing day is common, but if it becomes common and unexplained, several causes may be involved: venous failure, heart problems, kidney dysfunction or thyroid disorders. Reducing salt intake and hydrating well may help, but consultation is recommended if the symptom persists.
Dry eyes: a more serious sign than it seems
A feeling of dry eye may be caused by age, prolonged use of screens or certain medicines. However, if it is accompanied by a dry mouth, it may be a sign of Sjogren’s syndrome, an autoimmune disease that affects the tear-producing and saliva-producing glands. An ophthalmological test can help to make a diagnosis.
Frequent blossoming: hidden food intolerance?
Feeling swollen immediately after a meal may be related to slow digestion, but it may also reveal food intolerance. Gluten and lactose are often involved. If these bloating is accompanied by chronic pain or digestive disorders, a food intolerance test may be useful.
Blues for no reason: simple capillary fragility or blood disorder?