The infallible trick to get rid of silicone mold in the bathroom

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The bathroom is one of the rooms in our house that we use the most and where it is most important to pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene and to disinfect everything well. However, sometimes we put too much emphasis on cleaning toilets and marble countertops and neglect the silicones that prevent moisture from penetrating. ...

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Here are the reasons why your orchid is dying!

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Under no circumstances should you cut your orchid, otherwise it may no longer produce lush, generous flowers. This is the mistake that many often make. Orchids are plants that we often find in homes today. In fact, their colors illuminate the environment in which they are placed. There are around 25,000 species in nature, each ...

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Unveiling the Healing Potential of Crabgrass: Nature’s Unexpected Remedy

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In the hustle of everyday life, we often overlook the overlooked treasures nature offers, and one such treasure might be thriving right in our backyards. ‘Digitaria,’ commonly known as crabgrass, is often dismissed as a pesky lawn invader. However, what many don’t realize is that this seemingly ordinary grass might possess remarkable medicinal properties capable ...

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How to eliminate fleas, ants and cockroaches from your home forever

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It’s difficult to get rid of cockroaches once they’ve established themselves in the home. They like moist and warm places and love nocturnal movement, especially in the kitchen in search of food. To avoid attracting them, good hygiene is essential. Fortunately, there are natural and effective ways to combat this. Ingredients 250 ml liquid detergent ...

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Pour some salt into the toilet: what happens will leave you speechless

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Salt in the toilet, someone already knows this remedy, someone else does not, but you just have to try it to get a pleasant surprise. This practice, which may seem strange at first , brings incredible satisfaction. To date, we have heard about vinegar and bicarbonate that, when poured into the toilet, clean and whiten ...

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Growing date seeds

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The date palm is an extremely resistant plant that requires little maintenance. It can be grown quite simply from a date stone . You just need a little patience to get them to germinate. Before starting the germination process, make sure to clean the pit well. It is best to get rid of any remaining ...

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