Toilet paper, the largest luxury hotels hide this genius trick from us

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We’ll reveal the ingenious trick used in luxury hotels that will make you see toilet paper in a different way.hotel makeup – We use toilet paper every day , yet it always remains an extraordinary invention. Let’s find out more about its origins and what the trick is with all the hotels. The origins ...

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Clean toilet: grandma’s remedy that cleans and perfumes it!

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Clean toilet: grandma’s remedy that cleans and perfumes it! Clean toilet: grandma’s remedy that cleans and perfumes it! The toilet is without a doubt the most difficult area to clean! These unsightly halos due to limescale form every day and compromise not only the beauty of our toilets, but also hygiene, becoming a receptacle for ...

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No more dirty, boring sinks – all you need is a glass!

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No more dirty, boring sinks – all you need is a glass! The kitchen sink is a nodal point in our home. Used and overused, it ends up stained, opaque, encrusted by all our hustle and bustle. It’s a real shame to see it like this! However, don’t worry too much: there are many natural, ...

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3 drops of shampoo in the washing machine drawer: the secret of laundromats

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Have you ever tried adding 3 drops of shampoo to your washing machine drawer? This is the secret of laundries. When we collect our clothes washed and ironed by professionals, the satisfaction is maximum, how much we wish we could achieve the same results at home! Immaculate, immaculate, with bright colors and dazzling white, well-stretched ...

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