How to wash a pillow: Leave your sleeping companion spotless

Дизайн без названия 2024 02 11t215920.618

Did you know that pillows also get dirty and need cleaning? Find out  how to wash a pillow  to eliminate dust, mites and moisture resulting from sweat. Over time, if left unwashed, cushions can take on a yellowish hue. So knowing  how to properly wash a pillow is essential to always keep the place where your head rests clean, ...

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How to clean the oven quickly and effortlessly with the salt trick?

Дизайн без названия 2024 02 12t213627.152

You use it regularly to cook your roast chicken, your pizzas and your good lasagna. Suffice it to say that the oven is a cooking appliance that is difficult to do without. However, it can accumulate dirt and grease stains that are difficult to remove. During cooking, the grates and glass may become dirty and ...

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Pouring salt in the garden: the gardener’s trick that works every time

Дизайн без названия 2024 02 26t195325.848

Epsom salt, also called magnesium sulfate, is a natural product that comes in the form of a white powder, composed of white crystals. In addition to its muscle-relaxing benefits, it is also beneficial for the garden. Discover the value of spreading Epsom salt in your garden. Thanks to its high magnesium content, Epsom salt is ...

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That’s why bathrooms in luxury hotels smell crazy: The trick

Дизайн без названия 2024 02 28t201855.676

Have you ever wondered why luxury hotel bathrooms smell so good? Here is the secret revealed. We have all tried in every way to have a good  aroma  in our bathroom and even if we commit to cleaning it thoroughly and using different products, we are unable to achieve the aroma that we smell when we stay ...

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