How to make the most delicious pasta!

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Ingredients 300 g (10.5 oz) linguini noodles Cook al dente 300 g (10.5 oz) ground beef, fry for 2-3 minutes 1 onion, finely chopped 3 cloves of garlic, crushed and chopped 2 small carrots, chopped 1 sweet red pepper, diced 1 glass of dry red wine Allow the wine to evaporate for 2-3 minutes To ...

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Erfrischender Wassermelonen- und Ingwersaft: Eine perfekte Mischung für Ihr Wohlbefinden

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Es gibt nichts Schöneres als den erfrischenden Geschmack von Wassermelonensaft an einem warmen Tag, und wenn Sie eine Prise Ingwer hinzufügen, entsteht ein Getränk, das nicht nur köstlich, sondern auch voller gesundheitlicher Vorteile ist. Ganz gleich, ob Sie Feuchtigkeit spenden, beleben oder einfach nur einen Leckerbissen genießen möchten, dieser Wassermelonen-Ingwer-Saft ist eine ausgezeichnete Wahl. Lassen ...

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Vanilla Creamy Dessert Recipe with Sweetened Condensed Milk

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Craving a decadent dessert that’s both creamy and indulgent? Look no further than this delightful Vanilla Creamy Dessert, made with the magic ingredient – sweetened condensed milk. With its velvety texture, rich flavor, and hint of vanilla, this dessert is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth and leave you craving more. Vanilla Creamy Dessert made ...

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Three Treatments with Rosemary to Stop Hair Loss

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Hair is one of the most important attributes for many women, therefore, when it begins to fall out or its growth stagnates it causes a lot of concern, to the point of purchasing products that can be very expensive.   There are natural ingredients that do wonders for our hair like these 3  treatments with rosemary ...

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How to Make an Apple Cider Vinegar Drink (and Why You Should)

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You’ve probably read about drinking apple cider vinegar for its health benefits—you may also have heard it can be harmful. Our guide aims to clear up the confusion, and shares an apple cider vinegar drink if you’re curious to try it.   Apple cider vinegar is a natural product made from apples that are crushed ...

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Making pickled cucumbers at home with pictures

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Pickled cucumbers are a very popular recipe and a favorite for anyone who loves pickles, especially as they give a slightly spicy taste when adding a different touch to the recipe. It is an easy way to prepare pickled cucumbers at home, with pictures. When preparing this recipe, you should choose the small-sized option, as ...

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