Here’s how to simply defrost the fridge in no time

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At some point in our culinary journeys, we all encounter it: the stubborn frost stubbornly clinging to the insides of our refrigerators. Not only is it an unsightly inconvenience, but an overly icy fridge also operates less efficiently, consuming more energy and reducing the lifespan of your appliance. But fear not, for the rapid and ...

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I promise I prepare this dish all year round; my Irish granny gave it to me.

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Irish Soda Bread Indulge in the comforting flavors of Ireland with this traditional dish, Irish Soda Bread. This inexpensive bread with its Irish origin gained popularity in the nineteenth century due to its simplicity and few required ingredients. Whether celebrating St. Patrick’s Day or simply craving a hearty homemade bread, this recipe, passed down from ...

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How to clean your mattress and kill bacteria with sodium bicarbonate

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Sodium bicarbonate is a true multitalent. This chemical compound is useful in many fields. Cheap, environmentally friendly, non-toxic and versatile, this magic powder unravels, disinfects, cleans, deodorizes, maintains, detaches and easily replaces a range of expensive and polluting detachers. It is also effective at cleaning mattresses. Sometimes it is not enough to deodorize the mattress ...

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A Surprising Laundry Hack: Using Dishwashing Tabs in Your Washing Machine

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Introduction: When it comes to household chores, finding innovative solutions can make tasks easier and more efficient. One unexpected laundry hack that’s been gaining popularity is using dishwashing tabs in your washing machine. Yes, you heard it right! Dishwashing tabs, those little powerhouses designed for cleaning dishes, can also work wonders in your laundry. Let’s ...

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Using baking soda to keep bugs out of your home

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2. A Baking Soda-Free Home to Keep Ants At Bay Take advantage of the fact that ants are suckers for sweets. What to Do: Combine the powdered sugar and baking soda in an equal proportion. If you want to attract ants, scatter this mixture in areas they often visit, such as entrances or paths they ...

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Effortless Overnight Oven Cleaning Tips

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Introduction Cleaning an oven can seem like a daunting task, especially after a long day of cooking. However, with the right techniques, you can let your oven clean itself while you sleep, waking up to a fresh, grease-free kitchen appliance. This guide will walk you through a simple, non-toxic method to clean your oven overnight, making ...

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Here’s how to clean dirty bed pillows to leave them white and smelling sweet

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Keep Your Bed Pillows Fresh, White, and Sweet-Smelling with These Cleaning Tips Pillows are essential for a good night’s sleep, but over time, they can accumulate unpleasant stains and odors, turning yellow due to sweat and exposure to body oils. Even with protective pillowcases, they can gather dust, grease, and allergens like dust mites, making ...

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No-Bake Cheesecake White Chocolate and Speculoos Paste

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To get the recipe right, you need to measure the ingredients well and prepare them before starting the recipe. You should also respect the cooking time and temperature, so follow the steps outlined below step by step. Ingredients: 250 g biscuits of your choice (e.g. speculoos biscuits) 100g butter 300 gr of white pastry chocolate ...

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