Plastic bottle and 1 balloon: create something unexpected

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With a plastic bottle and 1 balloon, you can give life to something you never thought possible. You’ll be surprised what you can do with your hands. Make recycling a priority and you’ll be doing something good for both your pocketbook and the environment. Plastic bottle and 1 balloon: create something unexpected With a plastic ...

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4 Tips for Removing Mold Around Windows

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On walls, the ceiling or around windows, damp and mold stains can be visible and cause damage to surfaces, particularly damp ones. In addition, this phenomenon can be a health risk. How to get rid of it? Here are simple and effective tips to adopt to remove mold around windows. Mold on the windowsill. source: ...

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Stained kitchen towels? No problem, here is the solution!

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Stained kitchen towels? No problem, here is the solution! Kitchen towels were created to be abused and dirty, which is why they are always made of fairly resistant fabrics. However, when we wash them we would like to put them in the clean drawer, which is not easy since we usually keep cloths full of ...

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Potato and chicken gratin recipe:

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Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 40 minutes Number of people: 4 . Ingredients for 4 people: 200 g of chicken breasts 800 g of Bintje potatoes 30 cl of liquid cream 1 large onion 2 tablespoons of olive oil 100 g of grated Gruyère cheese Pinches of salt and pepper . Preparation: Read more ...

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Creative Repurposing of Plastic Water Bottles for Use in the Kitchen

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Hello there! In search of some novel kitchen storage solutions? You can find what you need in your recycling bin. Because of their adaptability in size and shape, plastic bottles may be transformed into ingenious containers for many common kitchen items. In this article, we will show you some creative ways to use plastic bottles ...

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Using baking soda to keep bugs out of your home

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2. A Baking Soda-Free Home to Keep Ants At Bay Take advantage of the fact that ants are suckers for sweets. What to Do: Combine the powdered sugar and baking soda in an equal proportion. If you want to attract ants, scatter this mixture in areas they often visit, such as entrances or paths they ...

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