The most effective way to remove mold from walls

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Discovering mold spots on the walls of your home is never pleasant. These green, gray or black spots can become a real nightmare for which a few coats of paint are not enough. Mold on the walls of your home is not just an aesthetic problem. There are many symptoms associated with the presence of ...

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When you need to thoroughly scrub a   surface or fabric   to clean it well, you always turn to sponges. Although they are very useful, especially in certain areas such as the bathroom or kitchen, there are   more delicate and equally effective alternatives. Among the different solutions we find the   soap on the cloth method   , an unknown trick that allows   you ...

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Practical tips for removing all grease residue from your oven

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As you use your oven, the door tends to accumulate grease, which over time becomes hard and difficult to remove, giving the oven a yellowish color and making it feel greasy. Below we will explain to you how to clean the oven door, glass and seals economically. Cleaning the oven glass To clean the oven ...

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Combine these two products and your windows will shine like new!

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Cleaning the windows of your home, whether it is the glass in the bathroom or in the kitchen or in any room of the house, is not always easy. Indeed, in certain situations in particular, the windows become dirty very quickly and particularly intensely. But to make your windows shine, you can follow our advice: ...

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Wash the duvet: just put it in the washing machine

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Washing the duvet is an unavoidable household task when winter approaches. The arrival of harsh winter forces us to resort to all kinds of solutions to warm ourselves, including radiators and cozy wraparound blankets. However, before covering yourself with a duvet, you must first put it in the washing machine. Here is an effective trick ...

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