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Ingredients: 300g dulce de leche dough 150g corn starch (corn starch) 70g butter 3 egg yolks 50g powdered sugar 1 C. grated lemon peel 1 TBSP. vanilla aroma 1 C. baking powder Desiccated coconut (required amount) Preparation: the rest is on the next page

Ginger: The Lifesaver in Your Car

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Did you know that a simple ingredient like ginger could potentially save your life in an emergency? It’s true! While ginger is commonly known for its culinary uses and health benefits, it also has lesser-known properties that make it an invaluable addition to your car’s emergency kit. Let’s explore how having just one ginger in ...

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Unlocking Radiant Beauty: Your Journey to Youthful Skin with Vaseline and Lemon

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Who doesn’t desire a vibrant, youthful glow that radiates confidence and beauty? While the beauty market offers a myriad of skincare products promising miraculous results, sometimes the best remedies can be found right in your kitchen cabinet. One such magical combination gaining popularity is the fusion of Vaseline and lemon, two humble ingredients known for ...

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A Refreshing Touch for Well-being: Homemade Lemon and Nettle Juice

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In the garden of natural remedies and health-boosting drinks, there is a hidden gem that has been revered for centuries but often overlooked: the nettle. This unassuming plant, combined with the vibrant zest of lemon, creates a powerful juice that is not only refreshing but also loaded with health benefits. And the best? You can ...

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Hair in the drain pipe, grandma's trick to remove it in a second

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Often, due to poor ventilation or climate, the dreaded mold can form on the walls of our homes. In addition to being unsightly, mold can be very dangerous both for our health and for the structure of our home. In this article we explain how to remove mold from walls. Lavender essential oil You will ...

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