Gratin of Pasta and Chicken with bechamel sauce

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Grainful pasta with béchamel is a very tasty dish that is prepared by normally cooking the pasta in boiling water at mid-cooking, then drained, seasoned and baked. It is a rich and satiating dish, ideal for cold winter days when it takes calories to warm up and satiating dishes. Today I offer baked pasta that ...

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Discover the secret of the shrimp cocktail in pink sauce.

Repolho Refogado Com Gostinho Da Casa De Vovo . Ver Mais 2024 01 16t031223.847 760x500 1

The shrimp cocktail with pink sauce is a classic dish in Latin American cuisine, particularly popular in countries such as Mexico and Peru. It consists of cooked shrimps served in a pink sauce based on ketchup, mayonnaise, lemon juice and other condiments, offering a delicious balance between sweet and spicy. It is a refreshing and ...

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Mille-feuille traditional homemade recipe

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Ingredients 3 puff pastries Custard : 500 ml of milk 50 g of flour 100 g softened butter 125 g of sugar 3 egg yolks 2 leaves of gelatin choice of perfume: rum, kirsch… Icing: continued on page 2

2 methods to cook potatoes in less than 10 minutes!

Дизайн без назви 2024 02 16t205301.727 760x500 1

1) Cling film INGREDIENTS 3 potatoes Olive oil Rosemary METHOD Wrap each potato in cling film. Make several holes with a toothpick. Microwave for 5 minutes. 2) Water INGREDIENTS 3 potatoes 4 tablespoons of water Olive oil Rosemary continued on next page

Fabulous trick for repairing fake leather on jackets, bags, shoes or furniture

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Fake leather jackets , bags or shoes are very common and represent an ethical and ecological alternative to animal skin garments and objects. However, their only disadvantage is the tendency to wear out and become practically unusable.Synthetic leather is a material that simulates animal skin and is produced with polymers, a processed fiber that imitates ...

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Simple method to remove a ring stuck on your finger

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Why is it dangerous to have a stuck ring? A ring that is too tight can disrupt blood circulation, which can lead to complications. Some of the risks associated with a ring that cannot be removed include: Tissue damage: Lack of adequate blood flow can cause the tissues in the finger to become damaged, which can ...

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Flying cockroach: How to get rid of them with homemade tricks

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There is nothing more unpleasant and disgusting than cockroaches invading your house, it really scares us just by seeing them. We can imagine the scare that would be caused by those flying cockroaches that could collide with us and touch our body, we would surely run away. Without a doubt, their antennae and legs are a source of ...

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