2 methods to cook potatoes in less than 10 minutes!

Дизайн без назви 2024 02 16t205301.727 760x500 1

1) Cling film INGREDIENTS 3 potatoes Olive oil Rosemary METHOD Wrap each potato in cling film. Make several holes with a toothpick. Microwave for 5 minutes. 2) Water INGREDIENTS 3 potatoes 4 tablespoons of water Olive oil Rosemary continued on next page

Fabulous trick for repairing fake leather on jackets, bags, shoes or furniture

7 11 2

Fake leather jackets , bags or shoes are very common and represent an ethical and ecological alternative to animal skin garments and objects. However, their only disadvantage is the tendency to wear out and become practically unusable.Synthetic leather is a material that simulates animal skin and is produced with polymers, a processed fiber that imitates ...

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Simple method to remove a ring stuck on your finger

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Why is it dangerous to have a stuck ring? A ring that is too tight can disrupt blood circulation, which can lead to complications. Some of the risks associated with a ring that cannot be removed include: Tissue damage: Lack of adequate blood flow can cause the tissues in the finger to become damaged, which can ...

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Flying cockroach: How to get rid of them with homemade tricks

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There is nothing more unpleasant and disgusting than cockroaches invading your house, it really scares us just by seeing them. We can imagine the scare that would be caused by those flying cockroaches that could collide with us and touch our body, we would surely run away. Without a doubt, their antennae and legs are a source of ...

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How to prepare sugar-free fennel jam: light and tasty

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Sugar-free fennel jam is an unusual but surprisingly delicious delicacy that can bring a touch of originality to your table. Not only is it a healthy alternative to traditional jams, but it also offers a unique and refined flavor that can enrich many dishes and snacks.Fennel is a vegetable with a distinctive taste that combines sweetness and freshness, and ...

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The special oil that polishes wooden furniture and makes it look like new again

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Wood is a resource widely used by man . Versatile and renewable, if used responsibly it allows us to have beautiful furniture that is destined to last for many years.Having an antique wooden piece of furniture at home means having an inestimable wealth, often associated with memories or particular affections. If properly protected, these objects can last many years and retain ...

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How to propagate sansevieria, the indestructible plant

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Sansevieria is one of the most common houseplants, widespread above all for its tropical appearance and its incredible resistance, which makes it a truly indestructible plant .This plant adapts to many different environments and survives lack of water and light, and in hot or cold climates. Sansevieria is an excellent plant to practice with if you are interested in ...

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How to fix a broken or stuck zipper in seconds with these tricks

7 10 2

Whether metal or plastic, zippers have changed the way we dress or store things. The zipper was invented in the mid-1800s, and has since been improved to have a closure almost as perfect as today’s.The almost is certainly not by chance. Although very useful, zippers can get stuck frequently , or they can lose “teeth”, making it difficult to ...

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