3 drops of shampoo in the washing machine drawer: the secret of laundromats

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Have you ever tried adding 3 drops of shampoo to your washing machine drawer? This is the secret of laundries. When we collect our clothes washed and ironed by professionals, the satisfaction is maximum, how much we wish we could achieve the same results at home! Immaculate, immaculate, with bright colors and dazzling white, well-stretched ...

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Washing machine, a little is enough: clothes will smell great for days

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If you don’t like the scents of fabric softeners on the market, you can make a laundry perfumer yourself. Here’s how to do it. Washing machine Often, the smell of detergents or fabric softeners is very strong and persistent on clothes. Sometimes they can even become unpleasant when they infiltrate between the fibers of the ...

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Why do you have to put toothpaste on the kitchen knife?

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There is no difference between a dull knife and a bad knife. To chop fruits and vegetables or cut meat, you need a sharp knife. Regardless of the type of knife, you should remember to sharpen it from time to time so that the edge at the end of the knife is level with your ...

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Mix the lemon peel with the white vinegar: the rest will surprise you

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It doesn’t take much to create a great cleaning solution for your home: lemon and white vinegar will leave rooms clean and fragrant. lemon peel and vinegar Maintaining a certain level of hygiene in your home is undoubtedly very important, because living in a clean and fragrant house will allow you to better spend your ...

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