Put dish soap in the toilet: what happens during the night is unpredictable

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Surely doing household chores every day is a really difficult, exhausting and boring task. But not everyone knows that there is a cool trick that few know about. For example, what happens if you pour dish soap down the toilet? Let’s find out what happens.  Did you know that putting some dishwashing liquid in the toilet  is a brilliant idea? Not everyone ...

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This is What Happens if You Burn a Bay Leaf in Your Home

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If you’ve ever been to a yoga studio, you may have smelled a particular smell. This is because fumigation is often practiced there. It is a Native American tradition that uses the smoke of sacred herbs to purify a room. This ritual resembles burning incense. And very often, we use bay leaves for this practice. ...

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Trick with a hose to unclog the toilet

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Find out how to use a hose to unclog the toilet and remove clogs, along with a trick to eliminate odors Have you ever experienced a clogged toilet that seems to resist all attempts to unclog it? Don’t worry, we have the perfect solution for you. In this article, we’ll show you how to use ...

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4 Healthy Salad Recipes for Weight Loss

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If you're looking to lose weight, salads are bound to be a big part of your life, but that doesn't mean you have to pile on the same old toppings day in and day out! All of these healthy salad recipes support weight loss goals, fuel the body, and satisfy your taste buds with their ...

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Indulge in the Delightful Taste of Chocolate Cotton Cake

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Ingredients and Possible Replacements Prepare your ingredients: 80ml milk 60ml vegetable oil 70g flour 10g cocoa powder 4 egg whites 4 egg yolks 70g sugar 1/3 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice Optional: Add a delightful touch with chocolate chips! Now, let’s explore possible replacements: For milk: Almond milk or soy milk For vegetable oil: ...

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Create Your Own Natural Fabric Softener for Laundry

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In the quest for softer fabrics and pleasantly scented clothes, commercial laundry softeners are a common household item. However, these products often contain chemicals that can lead to skin irritations or respiratory allergies like rhinitis. Considering how long our clothes are in contact with our skin, it’s important to consider healthier alternatives. Here’s a guide ...

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